I just want to start off by apologizing for how long it has taken for this review to finally be up on my blog. I have no other reason for it than that I completely forgot to post it. Oh well, I guess things like that happen when you have the memory of a goldfish (or that of Dory in 'Finding Nemo').
Anyways, this cleanser has been a favorite of mine right from the start. I first discovered it when I was shopping at Sephora, they always put a sample in your bag when you buy something and they gave me a sample of this cleanser. I fell in love with it the second I used it, let me explain why.
Where to buy: Anywhere they sell GlamGlow products, I bought mine at Sephora.
Price: For a GlamGlow product I actually found it to be cheap, plus it's big so you get a lot of product for the price. The cleanser cost me 289 SEK. Yes, it'a not cheap but I had expected it to be a lot more expensive. This will easily last you for months, I reckon I could easily get 6 months use out of this bottle.

How does it work? As you can see it has two separate pumps. That's because this cleanser is made up of mud and oil. So one part is the mud, and the other is the oil. These two parts combined is what will get your skin squeaky clean. You pump the two products together simulataneously and then rub your hands together to make them foam and then wash your face. This cleanser will strip everything of off your face, even your natural oils. Because oil is the only thin that can remove oil, this cleanser is ideal for us with oily/combination skin. However, since this cleanser is so drying you need to make sure you moisturize well after using it or it will just make your skin worse. I forgot to use a heavy duty moisturizer one night after I used it, and since it's winter I really need to hydrate my skin well, and it completely broke me out. I had tiny pimples in every single pore around my nose and it was not a pretty sight, so please don't forget to mosturize well.
It doesn't remove water proof mascara, but it does remove your base completely, something I've felt my previous cleansers have had a hard time with. I'm a full coverage foundation kind of girl so there's a lot of product to remove. Previously I've had to wash my face two to three times just to remove the base and then I've had to use a remover for my mascara and on top of that I'd notice that it still hadn't fully removed my base when I used my toner. This isn't an issue anymore. I even use this together with my Clarisonic Mia2 and my skin feels like new afterwards. However, I wouldn't recommend this for people with sensitive skin just because it completely dries you out if you're not careful.

The oil is to left end the mud is to the right
+ Removes your make up easily
+ Your skin feels squeaky clean afterwards
+ You get a lot of product for your moneys worth
- Exspensive
- Very drying
- Doesn't remove waterproof/or hard to remove mascara (like the Benefit 'They're Real' mascara for example)
All in all? I love this cleanser, I will probably buy another one once I run out of it. I'm saying probably because I want to try the Clarins oil cleanser as well, I love trying new products. Since I have a very oily T-zone this cleanser is great at really washing your face and removing every little last trace of dirt and makeup residue. I don't have sensitive skin so I can try things out without worrying about them breaking me out, so if you do have sensistive skin, I'd recommend you get a sample of this cleanser first. But I love it! This has cut down on my time in the bathroom at night, now I'm done in under five minutes so I don't dread or procrastinate the process of removing my makeup as much as I used to.